CBIS 4210 Project 1

For Project 1, you will write, compile, and run two programs (classes): Art.java and Converter.java. 

At the top of your files, include the following lines of comments:

// ClassName.java
// by Your Name
// Project 1 - Due Date

Save all project files in a folder on your floppy called A:\4210\proj1\proj1_xxx (where xxx are your first, middle, & last initials).

Program 1 (Art.java): 

You are to produce a program called Art.java which will print an ASCII work of art made of slashes, backslashes, etc., along with your name on the computer screen. Your artwork must be at least 6 lines tall (no more than 20), and can be as creative as you choose. Below is a sample: 

         _          __________                              __            
     _.-(_)._     ."          ".      .--""--.          _.-{__}-._        
   .'________'.   | .--------. |    .'        '.      .:-'`____`'-:.      
  [____________] /` |________| `\  /   .'``'.   \    /_.-"`_  _`"-._\     
  /  / .\/. \  \|  / / .\/. \ \  ||  .'/.\/.\'.  |  /`   / .\/. \   `\    
  |  \__/\__/  |\_/  \__/\__/  \_/|  : |_/\_| ;  |  |    \__/\__/    |    
  \            /  \            /   \ '.\    /.' / .-\                >/-. 
  /'._  --  _.'\  /'._  --  _.'\   /'. `'--'` .'\/   '._-.__--__.-_.'    \ 
 /_   `""""`   _\/_   `""""`   _\ /_  `-./\.-'  _\'.    `""""""""`'`\    |  
(__/    '|    \ _)_|           |_)_/            \__)|        '           |  
  |_____'|_____|   \__________/|;                  `_________'________`;-'
   '----------'    '----------'   '--------------'`--------------------`  
 An ASCII Masterpiece by a student with too much time on his/her hands.

Program 2 (Converter.java): 

Similar to exercise 16 on p. 53 of your text, you are to produce a program called Converter.java which will convert a given temperature in Fahrenheit to its equivalent in Celsius. Declare variables to hold the temperature in degrees F and in C. Display the original temperature in F and the resulting equivalent in C. An example output is:

Prof. Payne's body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.
That equals 37.0 degrees Celsius. 

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